Filipino Women – the beautiful women from the Philippines


Filipino Women – how meet date date beautiful women from the Philippines

The Philippines is home to millions and millions of people, and here you will also be able to find millions of extremely beautiful Filipino women. The Philippines houses a total population of about 108.000.000 people, and they are inhabiting around 7100 island. So yes, if you are looking for a beautiful women from abroad and more specifically from the Philippines, you are in luck – because there sure are alot, and why wouldn’t you be able to find you soulmate?

Filipino women are increasingly looking for love abroad, and especially in western countries (United States, Europe, Australia, United Kingdom). There are many different reasons as to why that is, but in my opinion, a common reason is to pursue a better life and future for themselves. An average yearly salary of a family from the Philippines is about 5000USD, meaning that the quality of life is significantly lower than countries from the western world. And you know what? I say go for it, if you want to pursue a future life in a place where there are alot more resources available, then by all means, why shouldn’t you do it? And if you (the Filipino woman) meets a lovely husband or partner on the way, even better!

Another thing that is great when it comes to meeting Filipino women is that, on various online dating websites, you will find literally more womens profiles than you know what to do with. On this page, I’m going to cover the benefits of meeting Filipino women, what they are like, their heritage etc. – and most importantly, how and where you can start meeting and dating a women from the Philippines yourself. Sounds good, right? Let’s get started.

Facts about Filipino women and the Philippines

Population of about 113,9 million people and 57,7million filipino women
Main cities are Quezon City, Manila (capital), Caloocan City and Budta
Biggest religions: approximate 78.8% are Roman Catholic, 6.4% Islam and 2.6% Iglesia ni Cristo
Languages: Tagalog, Cebuan and very widespread English
Internet: in 2022, only 33% of household had fixed broadband, 70% with active mobile broadband

Filipino Women are looking for men on these sites


8319+ online

Site with most Filipino women
Has ALOT of members!
Member profiles are highly detailed
Can be used for free and paid

3945+ online

Alot of Filipino women registered
Women are very active in here
Very fast and easy registration
Can be used for free or paid

5669+ online

Filipino women from all over the world
Huge site with 4.500.000+ profiles
Alot of very active members
Can be used for free and paid

Why you should meet Filipino women on these sites

 It’s no secret that there are literally thousands of different sites to choose from, when you want to meed women from the Philippines online. They all boast of having all kinds of different features, seperating them from everyone else. These features do not matter much, apart from giving you a kind of enhanced experience, with added functionality and a deeper/more engaged experience.

The single most important thing for an online dating website to have? That is, without a doubt, the membership base, and the actual amount of active members. What does features and functions matter, if you can get access to thousands of additional filipino member profiles on another website? That is why I have chosen to recommend these websites above. They all have more than PLENTY of female members from the Philippines who are looking for dating. I have tried them all out, and now I’ll give you a brief explanation of what more these Filipino dating websites can offer their members.



FilipinoCupid is probably the very best site, when it comes to chatting with Filipino women, and forming relationships on a serious basis. Upon entering the website, you first see that they have more than 5.5 million members and that is A LOT. It is definitely more than you could ever need. Ofcourse not all of them are women from the Philippines, but a huge chunk of them are.

You can register a profile for completely free. When you have done so, you can browse around and check what is available on there. First thing you will notice is some of the women profiles, and I promise you, there are alot of them. You are able to go on to their profiles, but if you want to see their pictures in full view, you have to upload your own profile picture. If your picture is good and as per the guidelines, it will usually be accepted within a few minutes.

You can write messages to other members for free too, but in order for them to be able to read it and respond, either you or the recipient needs to have a premium membership. However, when you do have a premium membership, you can send AS MANY messages  as you want; and everyone will be able to read them, as well as respond.

 One of the main benefits of this website is the huge amount of members they have. Before settling on it, or dismissing it, I’d recommend for you to create a profile, and have a look around. Read some of the success stories. Do some searches and see what kind of members show up, and you can filter with different options.


CharmRomance is also a great choice, when you want to meet Filipino women. It is not specifically targeted women from the Philippines, but I checked for myself, and they do literally have PLENTY of Filipino women on there – as well as from alot of other countries, worldwide. One of the best things about this website is the level of activity. The women on here are very active, and are not afraid of initiating the first step. Just remember to fill out your profile thoroughly first; no one wants to engage in a chat or video chat with a completely empty profile.

You also have the option to register for completely free on this website. Simply follow the link, click through the steps and answer the questions, and you will have yourself an active profile within a matter of minutes. I highly recommend you to fill it out thoroughly though, to be as appealing as possible.

On CharmRomance you can do live chat, video chat and video chat with sound as well, which is one of my favourite thing to do on there. What better way to get to know a beautiful Filipino lady, than to have an actual talk with her, while you can see her?

You also have the option to chat and live chat, which is great if you want to initiate a conversation with someone. It’s usually not the best idea to instantly request a video chat – you should definitely have a conversation prior to that, and then later on, you can agree on video chatting.

 On top of all this, you will find very beautiful members. Alot of them, if not most, have worked hard on their profiles, and provided various pictures, and some even with video too. 


AsianDating is a great choice too, when you want to meet and date filipino women. As you can see by the name, it is mostly targeted at women and men from all over Asia, as well as people from all over the world, who wants to meet them. AsianDating has a huge amount of members as well, and you will see thousands and thousands of active members from the Philippines. These consists mostly of Filipino women wanting to meet and find love abroad, and eventually move there as well (otherwise they wouldn’t choose an international dating site, right?)

 On this website you can register 100% freely too. It is owned by a company called CupidMedia, a very trustworthy company, that owns and operates alot of online dating websites. They have been doing so from the very early 2000’s, and are therefore highly experienced in providing a website experience, where people effectively can chat and meet with one another, globally.

Another great thing is that they have an app for Android smartphones. And don’t worry, if you use iPhone, you can very easily use their mobile verson of the website. They have made it with a focus on delivering extremely effective communication, and it is as easy as sending text messages. You can set it to log in automatically, so you don’t have to spend time doing that, every time you want to reply to a woman!


Filipino Women – what are they like?

Not only are women from the Philippines beautiful, they also have great personalities, and like fun in all kinds of ways. Keep in mind, that it is obviously not possible to explain what all Filipino women are like, especially not in an article like this – however much detail it has. Here I’m going to keep it kind of brief, and include information based on what I’ve read and on my own experiences.

First of all, women from the Philippines are very hospitable and warm. They have great family values, and family extends to their loved ones family too. Generally they have a very warm and welcoming nature, which is both a cultural trait, but also a personal trait of many as well. Family is a central element in Filipino culture, and most of them have very strong bonds, which means there are also active caring for the elderly happening in most families.

Furthermore, you can describe them as being very respectful and polite, which is a great thing to have as well as being warm and welcoming. Don’t be surprised if you initiate a conversation with a women from the Philippines, that she will have no problem in engaging in it as well, and answer your questions, or even asking questions of her own.

Alot of Filipino women are also spiritual and religious, with about 84% of the population being Christian (source), and therefore also possess alot of Christian values. Subsequently they may very well be active in local church communities, where they will help each other with whatever might be needed – from some food, to lending stuff and sharing recommendations.

Another important trait to mention is the ability to be adaptive, and to be resilient. The Philippines have been through varioous struggles throghout history, from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and a lot more. By going through all of this, in some way or another, is surely to enhance your adaptability, and your resilience. Furthermore it likely makes one be extra focused on the people you care for around you, as opposed to having the nicest stuff, with the most expensive TV and so on. 

Women from the Philippines have a great sense of humour, and are definitely not afrid of having a good time, with lots of laughs. If it means to watch a comedy movie, having some drinks, dancing to some good music or just having a peacefull walk; you can be sure to share some laughs with your Filipino girlfriend!

Why might Filipino women want to find a man abroad?

There are alot of different reasons as to why women from the Philippines want to find a man/husband abroad, and then move there. Considering how many women actually want to do it, means there are equally as many different reasons as to why. Here I’ll be covering some of the most common reasons as to why they might want to find love abroad – and I can assure you, there are alot of women who wants to!

One of the most common reasons is simply adventure, and wanting to experience other parts of the world, as well as people from other countries/cultures. People that have grown up around the same culture and geographical location often share alot of different values and think alike. If you want to meet a special someone form a completely different cvulture and country, whats the fastest way to do it? Yes, by starting with international online dating. I know that’s how I started it, and it has worked greatly for me.

Another reason could be to “escape” your current situation and country, but grabbing the opportunity of finding love abroad. Unfortunately there are some, although not many, people who do it solely to get a better future for themselves and their families, and if that means getting married in order to achieve it, that’s what they will do. I would advise you to not engage in this, as you very well might find it to be an empty feeling, if she is not in it for the real reasons. That being said, you can easily combine finding true love, as well as pursuing a better future. 

 Engaging in their attraction to specific ethnicities. Just as some (alot?) of men have preferences for women from different parts of the world, so can women. There are a lot of people who find people from other countries (sometimes specific ones) to be exotic, exciting and so good, that they want to find a special someone of that ethnicity/nationality.

What do Filipino women want in a partner?

People are different, and have all kinds of different preferences and taste in what they want from their loved one. Some might seek a strong provider, who can take care of all the financial needs, whilst others do not care about that. There are a million different things Filipino women could want in a partner. Here I will be explaining some of the most common traits that are wanted, based on the culture and historical heritage of the Filipino people.

First and foremost, it’s important that you are a kind person, and that you “love thy neighbor”. In short, if you possess high quality christian values and exhibit them, you are already a long way. As Filipino women are kind, welcome and warm – so should you be. Don’t make people uncomfortable intentionally, or make anyone feel bad, whatever the reason might be.

Another great quality to have, is the ability to be able to have fun, in all kinds of different ways. That doens’t mean you have to be a jokester, and deliver the best jokes/punchlines on command; but rather the ability to have an open mind, experience all kinds of things and activities with a smile, and to be engaging. Simply laughing at someone else being “silly” can be a great sign of having a well developed sense of humour. If you’re also able to join in on the sillyness, in whatever way you want/can, you are even better off!

This brings me to my next point. It is also important that you have an open mind. Imagine this, your Filipino girlfriend comes from a humble upbringing, and are used to different activities being done in a specific way. If you are not able to acknowledge this, and show signs of judging her for doing things in her own way, you are definitely not being open minded, and NO ONE likes to be judged. Especially by their partner, or by a potential partner.

How the culture and historical heritage has shaped the Filipino women and their view on dating

When we look at how Filipino women date, we see that it’s shaped by their culture and history. The Philippines has had many different influences over the years, like Spanish, American, and Asian cultures. These influences have left a mark on how Filipino women approach dating.

They really value traditions and family, which is a big part of their culture. So, when they’re dating, they often look for partners who understand and respect these values and can get along with their families. Also, because of the strong influence of Catholicism, dating in the Philippines tends to be more about serious courtship and long-term commitment. Filipino women are usually looking for meaningful, lasting relationships, and this reflects their historical background and their commitment to building strong connections.

And what does that mean for you – are you appealing to Filipino women?

Generally, Filippino women can be more reserved and traditional, than women from other (especially western) cultures, when it comes to dating. Therefore, it is important that you are patient, and understand that it takes time to get to know them, before it gets to any kind of intimacy. By being honest, you are also increasing the likeliness of Filipino women being into you. Besides, would you want to engage with someone romantically, if you had to tell lies?

Some quick points that you might consider helpful:

  • Be respectful of their culture and values. Take the time to learn about Filipino culture and traditions, and show that you are interested in learning more.
  • Be honest and upfront about your intentions. If you are looking for a serious relationship, let them know. Filipino women are typically looking for the same, and they appreciate honesty.
  • Be yourself. Filipino women can spot a fake from a mile away, so be yourself and let your personality shine through.

Tips to increase your chance of meeting Filipino women online

Now, if you’re serious about chatting, meeting and potentially dating a women from the Philippines, then you need to do either one of the two following things: travel to the Philippines, or start dating online internationally. Instantly travelling to the Philippines can be costly, and somewhat difficult as well, to engage in women within the local population. I recommend you start meeting and dating Filipino women online first, and then later proceed to travel there, to meet women with whom you’ve already had contact with. So here, I will give you a few tips on how you can make your online dating profile as appealing as possible, and attract the right kind of attention from the beautiful filipino women.

Create a profile, and fill it out thoroughly

This should be obvious, but for some reason, I see a lot of profiles neglecting this. It is one of the most important things you can do, in order to appear interesting to the female Filipino visitors, that are esentially looking to see if they are interested in dating you, or if there is potential there. If they see little to no information on your profile, and maybe not even a picture; what do you think is going to happen? Will they show interest, or will they leave right away, to look at other profiles? Yes, the answer is, that they will be leaving your profile with no problems. So, if you take it seriously, fill out your profile with all kinds of information about yourself – from physical appearance, to what you do in the weekends, what are your hobbies, what are you looking for in a woman and what can you “bring to the table”, so to speak.

 You should also include various pictures of yourself, preferably from different situations. Have some that show your full character, and do not include anything vulgar, as you will scare off the majority of women being serious in their search. Have pictures showing your face, and maybe some from recent vacations, or of yourself doing something social (remember to not include other people in your pictures).

It is important to be honest on your profile. One thing is to make it as appealing as possible, to as many people as possible. But in fact, you would benefit more from being as appealing as possible to the RIGHT people – the ones with whom you share interests, hobbies, values and such. Be honest withe everything on your profile, and you will attract the right people, that have a genuine interest in YOU.


Purchase a premium-membership

 Yes, I know. This doesn’t sound very appealing, and it is easy to understand, that you don’t want to use your hard earned money – especially when you don’t know what will come from it. BUT, if you are serious in your search and want to have real results, you need to spend the needed funds for a premium membership. The benefits and features you get from it are very much worth it, and by doing so, you instantly get ahead of 99% of your competition (who did not purchase a membership).

First of all, your profile is way easier to notice by female Filipino women browsing around. Depending on which site you choose, you will be more visible in the search results, with a mark, a frame on your picture or something similar. This means you will get more visitors on your profile, and also before they visit other mens profiles.

Furthermore, you will have the benefit of unlimited messaging, which is also the most important one, if you ask me. You have the option to theoretically send a hello-message to all of the Filipino women on the website. Sounds pretty good, right?

I actually also encourage you to send multiple messages, and engage in conversations with multiple women. There are many reasons as to why you might not get a response – and the reason doesn’t really matter. You get a response, or you don’t. If you don’t, you move on, and that’s why it’s good to have sent multiple message. If you do get a reply, then great, keep going!

When you do get serious in the conversation, and you feel like you want to take it further, I suggest to stop conversating with other women on there, except for friendly messages. Focus on the woman and conversation that you want to get serious with – and perhaps that is also the time to start video chatting.

Arm yourself with patience

Online dating, and especially internationally, is not a quick-fix to meeting your special someone, unfortunately. First of all, keep this in mind: If you are a man from the western world, looking for your beautiful Filipino women, you will encounter people trying to scam you, one way or another. They all lead to one thing; trying to get a hold of your money. Even the most appealing profile, with whom you might even have nice correspondence, can turn out to be a scammer. Do not let this dampen your spirits though, because there are A LOT more real members, than there are scammers.

You have to look out for the red flags, in order to spot these scammers as fast as possible. Here are a few of them:

Do they want to continue communication on email, whatsapp or something else very quickly? Thats a big red flag. A scammers profile will not last long, and they want to communicate with you somewhere else. Use the membership and the profile you have though, insist on communicating there, or don’t communicate at all.

Are they calling you very endearing nicknames, and proclaiming to love you quickly? That is also a big red flag. No one can (genuinely) fall in love with someone over 2 weeks or so, simply by chatting online. You need to establish a sincere connection and relationship, and that takes time.e

Best tip: Whatever you do, do not send any money, if you have never met them. Even if you have video chatted with them, and talked with them on the phone: DON’T


Peter's recommendation

Peter's recommendation

Owner at MeetForeignWomen

Hi there! My name is Peter, and I own this website. I write all of the articles as well, and I hope you enjoy them - or may learn something from them. I have more than 20 years of professionel experience with online dating, and particularly internatioanl online dating. I even found my beautiful wife from one of the websites I recommend!

So, if you're looking to get in touch with and start dating a filipino women, I have a recommendation for you. Go to FilipinoCupid, and register your profile for free - you can meet more than 5.5 million members. Are you ready to begin your filipino dating adventure?

I hope some of this information benefited you in some way. Maybe you are just curious about starting your international dating adventure, or maybe you are serious in your search, and have even tried. Whatever your situation, I hope something has helped you!

Throughout my life I have been to numerous countries, and have previously dated women from all kinds of countries, as part of that. And now I devote some of my time to help men like myself to find love abroad, and to find their very own special someone. Whether you want to meet women from Kenya, Ukrainian women or maybe want to visit some women from Brazil in South America, there should be an article on my website, which suits your interests. Good luck!

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